Description of the drug Methandienone

The assortment of steroid drugs in the market England is quite extensive so that everyone can choose for themselves exactly the tool that will fully meet its current needs. Methandienone to buy in England is already because the drug has pronounced effects designed to quickly increase muscle mass and bodybuilder force. The composition of the substance includes a combination of the esters of the male sex hormone, which differs in different speeds of exposure to the body. The cost of the drug fully meets its effectiveness. You can buy Methandienone and verify this personally, since we will ensure its operational delivery.

The composition of the drug

Steroid is a solution intended for intramuscular administration. Oily, transparent liquid is light yellow. Auxiliary components are represented by alcohol.

The structure is a changed form. As a result, the drug dianabol uk successfully passes through the liver without destruction.

Indications for taking the drug Methandienone

The drug is capable of:

stimulate appetite;
accelerate the set of muscle mass;
increase endurance and explosive athlete.

Initially, the tool was planned to be used for veterinary purposes. Later it began to use athletes that appreciated the medication. Powerful anabolic indicators contributed to this, while the androgenic index remained 2 times lower. The drug allows you to increase the amount of red blood cells in the body, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to cells.

Dosage of the drug

You can order Methandienone at any convenient time. Our online store works around the clock, and experienced consultants are always happy to answer your questions. Before the intake, the drug should be consulted by the attending physician, which will allow you to find an individual dosage of the drug. Typically, 400-1000 mg of the drug is taken per week. Reception of less than 400 mg will not lead to the desired effect, but the dosage of more than 1000 mg will not become a source of additional muscle mass or endurance. Experienced athletes are best used to use 600-800 mg per week.

The course of taking the drug

The duration of the course of the drug is up to 12 weeks. The shorter the course, the less likely to encounter the negative consequences of taking steroid drug. The tool can be used in conjunction with other anabolics, including testosterone propionate, testosterone enhtatat or stanosolol. Methandienone helps to improve the venality of muscles, therefore it is also suitable for drying with an additional set of mass.